Burneside Housing Masterplan, Lake District


RIBA Great Place: Lakes and Dales Flexible Housing Concept

The proposed scheme for Willink Recreation Ground and adjacent land creates a new active village nucleus for Burneside, centred around the Bryce Institute, Bowling Green, Train Station and the proposed creative live-work scheme. As part of a wider proposal for the village, it is intended that walkers along the Dales Way are actively encouraged to explore the village of Burneside, and a new route will allow visitors to engage with the River Kent, and the village’s cultural and architectural heritage centred around the Mill.

A series of new public amenities within the proposed site, including a cafe, village green, market square, shops, nursery and gallery, will provide a place for an active and creative work and social life for the village’s new young residents. The masterplan for the site provides a number of different housing typologies, set within a green and sustainable village setting which will provide a sense of discovery and health & well-being for both residents, visitors and fellow villagers.

This project was designed in collaboration with Lizzie O'Neill of E J Studio.

Status: Competition Entry

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Typology 1: Worker’s Cottages

A series of 2 bed cottages with an attached studio / office / workshop space. These houses have small front gardens which animate the main street frontage, and to the rear have a ‘yard’ area. This can be opened up to the main pedestrian route, ‘The Walkway’, which runs through the housing scheme, providing an open and active interface with this public thoroughfare, encouraging conversation and interaction with workers and passers-by.

Typology 2: Kitchen Garden Cottages

A series of 1-2 bed cottages arranged in two rows of terraces, facing one another over an open courtyard of kitchen-garden planters and fruit trees. A flexible, open ground floor plan allows for a mix division between ‘home’ and ‘work’ space internally.